Wide two-tone color cashmere blanket Wide two-tone color cashmere blanket

Pure cashmere blanket with two-tone color joint together. Serging techniques makes the seams tighter and last longer. Relatively light weight, natural and warm color, a perfect fit for domestic life and travel.

From family-owned cashmere ranch and self-owned factory.

Size: 230*240cm

Material: 100% cashmere

Code: SJF93P722N

Pure cashmere blanket with two-tone color joint together. Serging techniques makes the seams tighter and last longer. Relatively light weight, natural and warm color, a perfect fit for domestic life and travel.

From family-owned cashmere ranch and self-owned factory.

Size: 230*240cm

Material: 100% cashmere

Code: SJF93P722N

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